18 single-girder bridge cranes with clean premises, SIBWEST Russia

Year of realization 2020-2021
Customer SIBWEST, Ltd. Russia
Place of installation Moscow, Russia
Scope of delivery
A supply of 18 single-girder bridge cranes for so called clean premises, with lifting capacities of 5t and 10t and span from 4,5m to 16,5m, including power supply trolleys.
Mounting and service of the cranes is provided by our Russian partner, company SIBWEST, Ltd. 

18 single-girder bridge cranes for clean premises for Russia

5859-18 (164)5859-21-15859-21-25859-21-3

Nonstop service - 24 / 7

Service-man who is ready to help you
Tel., Mo-Fr 7:00-15:00:
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