About Company
Company‘s history
We act in the market more than 25 years. Look at how we began in 1991.
We act in the market more than 25 years. Look at how we began in 1991.
Hide history
Dominant position in the Czech market
In 2018, we offer the complete spectrum of lifting equipment: single bridge and double girder bridge cranes, semi-gantry and gantry cranes, underhung cranes, jib cranes, electric wire-rope and electric chain hoists, winches and crane components, including a unique GIGAtronic device determined for monitoring of operation states of cranes. We continue the trend of development of our hoists and cranes to meet the strongest criteria, which our customers expect from us. GIGA is a firm competitor on the Czech market and bulit, thus, a dominant position among the producers of lifting equipment.
New hoist in the market
In 2017, we introduced into the market a new model of electric wire-rope hoists, type GHM 6302 with a capacity up to 6,300 kg.
Finish of construction of the Stage II of the new two-bay production hall
In 2016, construction of the Stage II of the new two-bay production hall was finished, including inbuilt offices. So, the hall was extended up to the dimensions of 32x54m. Operation in the new hall was commenced in February, 2016. Final product assembly, as well as storehouses of mechanical and electrical parts, were completely moved into the new hall.
Commencement of construction of the Stage II of the new two-bay hall
In 2015, construction of the Stage II of the new two-bay production hall, including inbuilt offices, was commenced, and the hall was extended up to the dimensions of 32 x 54m. Operation in this new hall was commenced in February, 2016.
Finish of construction of the Stage I of the new two-bay production hall
In 2014, the Stage I of the new two-bay production hall with dimensions of 32x24m was finished.
Commencement of construction of the Stage I of the new two-bay hall
In 2013, construction of the Stage I of the new two-bay production hall with dimensions of 32x24m was commenced. The hall was finished at the end of 2013. Operation in it was started in January, 2014. In this year, we also continued renovation of the production technology, and a new CNC lathe was purchased – type SP 280 SIN 840D.
We are entering the Russian market
In 2010, a construction of the new two-storeyed administrative building was finished. This building – by its modern design – represented the level of the company. In this year, GIGA obtained necessary permission for the entrance into the Russian market and realized first deliveries of hoists and cranes to RF.
Next extension of the production premises
In 2008, the production premises were extended again by construction of a third bay as part of the existing building, and construction of a new two-storeyed administrative building was commenced. As a result of extension of the production premises, we could continue to modernize and improve production technology. In this year, we introduced into the market a new electric wire-rope hoist of a new series, type GHM 3201 with a capacity up to 3,200 kg.
Continuation of modernization of technology in production
In 2007, we again continued to renovate the production technology and bought a new lathe - type S80i CNC.
Next modernization of technology in production
In 2006, we were continuing renovation of the production technology. And one more WH10 CNC horizontal boring machine was purchased.
Nová řada elektrických hoists
In 2005, we introduced into the market the third model of the new series of electric wire-rope hoists of GHM 25000 type with a capacity of 25,000 kg, which was consequently extended in 2006 up to a capacity of 50,000 kg with the use of two drums on one trolley in double-rail design.
New electric hoist with a capacity up to 12,500 kg
In this year, the next model of the new series of electric wire-rope hoists of GHM 12500 with a capacity up to 12,500 kg was introduced into the market.
Modernization of technology in production
In 2003, renovation of technology was commenced by purchasing a first new metal processing machine – the WH10 CNC horizontal boring machine.
New electric wire-rope hoist with a capactiy up to 5,000 kg
In 2002, the first model of electric wire-rope hoists of GHM series was intruduced into the market with a capacity up to 5,000 kg, type GHM 5000, and GIGA obtained a certificate of quality according to ISO 9001:2000.
New production hall
In July, 1999, GIGA began operation in a new production hall with an administrative building in Příšovice, where they were built on greenfield. Because interest to GIGA’s products was so enormous, the production capacity of the new manufacturing premises after two years of running were not enough; so in 2002 a new production hall had to be additionally bulit, including inbuilt administrative premises.
Trade mark GIGA®
In April, 1993, the legal form of the company was changed to Limited Liability Company. In this year, GIGA registered a trade mark of "GIGA®" in the Industrial Ownership Registry in Prague.
First hoist GSF 3216
In 1992, the GIGA Company intruduced a prototype of hoists, type GSF 3216-16-2/1-6M,S. The hoist was in a stationary design, with a capacity of 3,200 kg and lifting height of 12 m. Lifting speed was 0.32-8 m/min – smooth regulation of lifting speed with a frequency converter. The pendant station was equipped with analogue push-buttons of own design with a stroke of 10 mm. The hoist was exhibited on the International Engineering Trade-Fair in Brno on September, 1992.
Company foundation
The GIGA Company was founded on 16th January 1991. The business goal was production of electric wire-rope hoists of own design with a capacity from 800 to 50,000 kg and bridge cranes.