Dvojnosníkové mostové žeriavy s nosnosťou 165t a 125t, elektráreň Počerady

Rok realizácie 2011
Zákazník Metrostav, a.s.
Miesto inštalácie Elektráreň Počerady, Česká republika
Názov projektu Paroplynový zdroj 880MWe
Rozsah dodávky
Žeriav GDMJ 165t/25t/12,5t/12m, 
Žeriav GDMJ 125t/30t/26m, 
Žeriav GJMJ 8t/7m, 
a i.

Production of cranes 165t and 125t

Production of crane GHF 125tProduction of crane GHF 125tProduction of crane - winch GHF 125tProduction of crane GHF 125tProduction of crane GHF 125tProduction of crane GHF 125tProduction of crane GHF 125tProduction of crane GHF 125tProduction of crane GHF 125t

Mounting of cranes 165t and 125t

Mounting of the crane 165t and 125tMounting of the crane 165t and 125tMounting of the crane 165t and 125tMounting of the crane 165t and 125tMounting of the crane 165t and 125tMounting of the crane 165t and 125tMounting of the crane 165t and 125tMounting of the crane 165t and 125t

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