Dvojnosníkový mostový žeriav GDMJ 10t/28,55m s mobilnou kabínou a magnetom pre KAJIMA Praha

Rok realizácie 2004
Zákazník KAJIMA EUROPE, B.V.,  organizačná zložka, Praha
Miesto inštalácie „TOYOTA TSUSHO KOLÍN SERVICE CENTRE“ v priemyselnej zóne Ovčáry, Kolín
Rozsah dodávky
Dvojnosníkový mostový žeriav s kladkostrojom GIGA typu GDMJ 10t /2 8,55 m:
 -ovládanie: pojazdná kabína
 -magnet s priemerom 2000 mm, nosnosť 4000 kg

Crane GDMJ 10t-28,55m with a mobile cabin and magnet of KAJIMA

Crane GDMJ 10t-28,55m with a magnet and movable cabin_1875-04_KAJIMA_1Crane GDMJ 10t-28,55m with a magnet and movable cabin_1875-04_KAJIMA_2Crane GDMJ 10t-28,55m with a magnet and movable cabin_1875-04_KAJIMA_3Crane GDMJ 10t-28,55m with a magnet and movable cabin_1875-04_KAJIMA_4Crane GDMJ 10t-28,55m with a magnet and movable cabin_1875-04_KAJIMA_5Crane GDMJ 10t-28,55m with a magnet and movable cabin_1875-04_KAJIMA_6Crane GDMJ 10t-28,55m with a magnet and movable cabin_1875-04_KAJIMA_7Crane GDMJ 10t-28,55m with a magnet and movable cabin_1875-04_KAJIMA_8Crane GDMJ 10t-28,55m with a magnet and movable cabin_1875-04_KAJIMA_9

Nonstop service - 24 / 7

Service-man who is ready to help you
Tel., Mo-Fr 7:00-15:00:
Hot line: