Žeriavy GDMJ 40t a GJMJ 4,9t, projekt ALTAY II a III, Kazachstan

Rok realizácie 2014-2015
Zákazník Metso Minerals (France) S.A.
Projekt Altay II, Altay III
Miesto inštalácie Terekti Ken Bayitu LLP (ТОО Теректы Кен Байту), Kazachstan, Karagandinská oblasť, Karkaralinský rajón, Terekty
Rozsah dodávky
Projekt Altay II
Dodávka mostových žeriavov vrátane napájania:
Dvojnosníkový mostový žeriav GDMJ 40t/16,73m
Jednonosníkový mostový žeriav GJMJ 4,9t/15,295m 
Projekt Altay III
Dodávka mostových žeriavov vrátane napájania:
Dvojnosníkový mostový žeriav GDMJ 40t/21,43m
Jednonosníkový mostový žeriav GJMJ 4,9t/17,4m
Šéf-montáž v Kazachstane realizovaná naším ruským partnerom, spoločnosťou "PTO Machine-Systems". Spoločne s projektmi Altay II a Altay III. 

Production of cranes GDMJ 40t/16,73m and GJMJ 4,9t/15,285m

Production of cranes GDMJ 40t, 16,73m and GJMJ 4,9t, 15,285mProduction of cranes GDMJ 40t, 16,73m and GJMJ 4,9t, 15,285mProduction of cranes GDMJ 40t, 16,73m and GJMJ 4,9t, 15,285mProduction of cranes GDMJ 40t, 16,73m and GJMJ 4,9t, 15,285mProduction of cranes GDMJ 40t, 16,73m and GJMJ 4,9t, 15,285mProduction of cranes GDMJ 40t, 16,73m and GJMJ 4,9t, 15,285mProduction of cranes GDMJ 40t, 16,73m and GJMJ 4,9t, 15,285mProduction of cranes GDMJ 40t-16,73m and GJMJ 4,9t-15,285mProduction of cranes GDMJ 40t-16,73m and GJMJ 4,9t-15,285mProduction of cranes GDMJ 40t-16,73m and GJMJ 4,9t-15,285mProduction of cranes GDMJ 40t-16,73m and GJMJ 4,9t-15,285mProduction of cranes GDMJ 40t-16,73m and GJMJ 4,9t-15,285m

Dispatch of cranes GDMJ 40t/16,73m and GJMJ 4,9t/15,285m

Dispatch of cranes GDMJ 40t, 16,73m and GJMJ 4,9t-15,285mDispatch of cranes GDMJ 40t, 16,73m and GJMJ 4,9t-15,285mDispatch of cranes GDMJ 40t, 16,73m and GJMJ 4,9t-15,285mDispatch of cranes GDMJ 40t, 16,73m and GJMJ 4,9t-15,285mDispatch of cranes GDMJ 40t, 16,73m and GJMJ 4,9t-15,285mDispatch of cranes GDMJ 40t, 16,73m and GJMJ 4,9t-15,285mDispatch of cranes GDMJ 40t, 16,73m and GJMJ 4,9t-15,285mDispatch of cranes GDMJ 40t-16,73m and GJMJ 4,9t-15,285mDispatch of cranes GDMJ 40t-16,73m and GJMJ 4,9t-15,285m

Cranes GDMJ 40t/16,73m and GJMJ 4,9t/15,295m after mounting v Terekty, Kazakhstan

Cranes GDMJ 40t-16,73m and GJMJ 4,9t-15,295m after mounting v Terekty, KazakhstanCranes GDMJ 40t-16,73m and GJMJ 4,9t-15,295m after mounting v Terekty, KazakhstanCranes GDMJ 40t-16,73m and GJMJ 4,9t-15,295m after mounting v Terekty, Kazakhstan

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